Tuesday, November 15, 2011

back to tessellations

My teaching duties are finished for the year...I've had a lovely semester leading a studio about heavy materials...check out this fantastic students work!
It's been time for a serious do-over of my work plan to try to fit everything into the day and to get some balance in my life...I've now timetabled exercise alongside reading, writing, gardening and making.  Hopefully there will be some fruitful and sane times ahead!
A while back I revisited some old tessellation techniques when reflecting on the potential of my newer bits...

I spoke about these remnants a while back...

And utilised the tessellation technique to create something similar to the broadbean apron

I also revisited a tessellated dress which emerged from early tests back in May last year to think about the potential of merging the aesthetics of the pieced leather with the gathered garden images.  With one side leather, one side garden, this apron represents the reflective window space where these worlds merge and converse.  Garment as map.

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