Thursday, December 15, 2011

christmas gleaning

I always like to make time for hand crafted christmas greetings, and I also like to include some dog pics like this gorgeous one of Hugo from last year...

This year I have heaps of plum jam recipes left over from the giveaway in my guest book I had for summer gleaning - the recipe's are a photocopy of my own handwritten one from my cook's organiser...

So I thought I could glean the remnant recipes for this years cards.  I used a technique from my favourite origami book - Home Decorating with Origami by Tomoko Fuse...

I folded the A5 recipe sheets into what is described in the book as a letter holder.  I printed a cutie picture of Gemma and Hugo looking down the back garden in a strategic spot on the back of the recipe so that I could write the christmas message around it...

For an envelope to put these in, I decided to make my own.  A while back pugly pixel blogged about a coolie envelope template from jetpens...which I promptly purchased online!  It makes tiny envelopes, so I blew it up on the photocopier to A3 size to also make four bigger sizes...I spray glued the photocopy onto a piece of cardboard and cut it out to make my own template - yay!
I've been collecting any interesting images from magazines, booklets and newspapers so went through the stash to come up with some sweet combo's...

And to finish off these ones which weren't going through the post, I sealed the envelopes with some spiderman stickers which I had about the place - P is a spidey fan :o)

"Amazing power and responsibility!"

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