Tuesday, December 13, 2011

kris kringle

We had our RMIT staff Christmas party yesterday...it was lovely and jolly with lots of food and drink and so kindly provided for us by the fashion program...
We had a secret santa/kris kringle where we had to bring a secret pressie within a $10 price range.  Since I've been wanting to focus being a bit more spontaneous with making, I had an idea for a crafted kris kringle and went for it...

I decided to use a technique I was playing with when I was developing ways to tessellate the leather remnants...this is a sample modeled by a 1/2 scale mannequin where I've punched holes in the leather and joined with jump rings...

I have a stash of parts club bits from when I was in Tokyo a couple of years back so I got these out to see what I could utilise...

 I had some beautiful quality kilt pins, so I grouped together some of my teensy leather remnants that I've been saving (I realise that I've developed a filtering process where I have a different technique for different sizes of leather remnant and this would be the last stage!) with one of the pins to create a brooch.

This is in progress...I had to play around with slightly different sized rings to get the balance and the fall of the pieces right to my eye...

I stupidly didn't take a pic of the finished piece and I wrapped it all up nicely in a re-purposed box and some of the paper I spoke about here and gifted it onwards before I realised...but I liked how it ended up being evocative of a some kind of a map of a continent, maybe Africa, but open to interpretation...it went to a very lovely person...S.R. I must catch up in the new year to get some photos!

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